Tot die opmerkelijke conclusie kwam de bearish hedgefundmanager Doug Kass in een brief aan zijn klanten. Zijn eerdere verwachtingen dat de S&P500 met dubbele cijfers zou dalen, zijn nooit uitgekomen. Op dat moment noteerde de S&P500 920 punten. Enkele opmerkelijke citaten van Kass: “I have been wrong — at least, Mr. Market has been saying so!” “I am fully aware that my mistakes over the past few months have been numerous and far-reaching,” … “Above all, I have been steadfastly skeptical regarding the sustainability of the domestic economic recovery and in the view that the foundation for a sustained move in the U.S. stock market was on shakier ground than the consensus believed.” Hij komt tot het volgende besluit op z’n blog op “There are many ways to control risk — buying out-of-the-money calls and/or puts is one way — but sucking it up and stopping out losses before they get too unwieldy are the best ways and most straightforward strategies to control risk.” “Taking small losses is part of the game; taking large losses can take you out of the game.”