Zoals we inmiddels gewoon zijn van Jim Rogers, deed hij weer enkele opmerkelijke uitspraken in een interview aan The Economic Times of India. We zetten enkele opmerkelijke quotes op een rij:
- I am shorting a stock market index in the US, I am shorting an emerging market index and I am shorting one of the large western international financial institutions. It is an emerging market index; it is not a specific country. It is an index of many emerging markets and that is mainly because the emerging markets have grown the most during the past few months of this big recovery.
- I am not buying any stock markets anywhere in the world. I have not bought any stock markets for the past 18 months. I have been playing the world economy through the commodity markets for those 18 months and the currency markets.
- I am just shorting this major western financial institution because it’s very highly priced and if the markets are going to consolidate, it will be one of the first to get hit because as there will be consolidation because of currency turmoil and financial market turmoil. I do not see a bubble in finance like we had two or three years ago. I only see two bubbles in the world, one is the Chinese urban to real estate and the other is the United States’ government bond market.
Hij laat echter niet in z’n kaarten kijken over welke shortposities het specifiek gaat. Misschien kan u het volledige interview nog eens nalezen om de tips te achterhalen. Alle suggesties/reacties zijn welkom!