Bernanke gaf meer tekst en uitleg over de stand van zaken in de VS. Tijdens zijn speech voor Economic Club of Minnesota wees hij erop dat er mogelijk extra steun komt van de Fed om de groei te stimuleren. De beurzen reageren matig op de berichten… Via Reuters:

(Reuters) – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Thursday said the central bank would spare no effort to boost disappointingly weak growth and lower unemployment but offered no details of steps monetary policymakers might take. “The Federal Reserve will do all it can to help restore high rates of growth and employment in a context of price stability,” Bernanke said in comments prepared for delivery to the Economic Club of Minnesota. In what could be taken as a bid to quell concerns among some of his colleagues that further monetary easing could spark inflation, the Fed chairman said a rise in prices this year is likely to be transitory. “We see little indication that the higher rate of inflation experienced so far this year has become ingrained in the economy,” he said.