Er bereiken ons op deze zondagavond diverse onheilsberichten over de Zweedse bank Swedbank. Volgens diverse waarnemers staan er bij vele filialen in Letland lange wachtrijen aan de geldautomaten van de Swedbank, wat lijkt op een ware bankrun! Volgens woordvoerders van de bank komt dit door valse geruchten die verspreid werden via de sociale media. Via Reuters:

“These are totally irrelevant rumours coming out of social media. The bank’s position is more than solid, Swedbank spokesman Thomas Backteman, said. “The rumours are not only about us, but about Swedish banks.” “A groundless wave of rumours has spread this weekend on Internet media and social Websites about the financial situation of Swedbank,” Latvian regulator FKTK said in a statement. “The Commission (FKTK) would like to inform the public that these are only rumours and there is no need for worry about the financial situation of the bank,” it added.