Vers van de pers: Bloomberg komt met de eerste reacties van Warren Buffett over zijn deelname in de van fraude beschuldigde zakenbank Goldman Sachs. Hierbij vermeldt hij expliciet CEO Blankfein, die hij voor de volle 100% steunt! Enkele quotes van Buffett:
- “He’s done a great job running that firm,”
- “He’s smart. He’s high grade.”
- the bank’s leader since 2006 “has been the right man” for the job
- “My choice would be to have Lloyd running it this year, next year and 10 years from now,” Buffett said. ”Running Goldman is a big job, and there’s nothing I could improve on.”
- “I don’t look at Wall Street as ‘evil,”
- “I look at Wall Street as given to huge excess sometimes. I don’t want to get rid of it. We need something to allocate capital and distribute securities and all of that throughout the system. We have got a big capitalist system and we have to have a big capital market — but there is plenty of room for improvement.”
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