We kregen zopas opwindend nieuws in onze mailbox! De centrale bank van Zuid-Korea kocht voor het eerst in meer dan een decennium opnieuw goud! De bank kocht over de afgelopen 2 maanden 25 ton goud, oftewel 803.769 ounces, voor een bedrag van 1,24 miljard USD! Als goudanalisten zijn we bijzonder opgewekt over dit nieuws, aangezien Zuid-Korea beschouwd wordt als een ‘volgeling’ van het Westen. Dit kan de voorbode zijn voor de overige Westerse centrale banken om hun goudreserves opnieuw aan te vullen. In dat geval zal de prijs van goud verveelvoudigen!

“South Korea’s central bank seems a little late to the party, but gold investors should continue to expect price support as central bankers around the world are underinvested in the yellow stuff,” said Sean McGillivray, head of asset allocation at Great Pacific Wealth Management. “Government austerity and a return to normalized monetary policy will be the game changer for the gold bull market. Investors and central bankers are looking to protect purchasing power, but diversifying into the currency of last resort, gold.” During the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, patriotic Koreans collected the precious metal as part of a campaign to boost the country’s foreign reserves, when it was on the verge of a sovereign default. “The country had too small an amount of foreign reserves to diversify into gold before 2004 and was not able to buy gold between 2005 and 2007 due to concerns about the central bank’s annual losses,” the Bank of Korea said. “Now that our total reserves topped $300 billion and foreign exchange markets stabilised, we judged that conditions were ripe for us to increase gold holding,” it said. The Bank of Korea would not say whether it plans to buy more gold, adding that any comments could have an impact on global markets.

>>> Het Grondstoffen Rapport h/t Corry