Terwijl diverse specialisten en beleggers discussiëren over het feit of de zogenaamde bubbel in edelmetalen op barsten staat, zijn diverse centrale banken uit de groeimarkten druk in de weer om hun goudreserves verder aan te vullen. Bloomberg rapporteert:
May 4 (Bloomberg) — Mexico, Russia and Thailand added gold now valued at about $6 billion to their reserves in February and March as prices advanced to a record, International Monetary Fund data show. Mexico added 93.3 metric tons since January, when holdings were about 6.9 tons, the data on the IMF’s website show. Russia increased its reserves of the metal by 18.8 tons to 811.1 tons in March and Thailand expanded assets by 9.3 tons to 108.9 tons in the same month, according to the IMF.
Wees er maar zeker van dat er nog veel meer koopdruk voor goud komt uit die hoek in de toekomst! >>> Het Grondstoffen Rapport