Het is geen geheim meer dat China actief ‘in de markt’ zit om massaal fysiek goud in te slaan. De jongste gegevens van World Gold Council onderstrepen de kracht van de Chinese goudaankopen. De totale omvang was opnieuw goed voor een recordjaar. Daarenboven zal de Chinese koopwoede voor goud in de komende 10 jaar nog minstens verdubbelen! Via Bloomberg:
Gold investment demand in China is likely to top a record 200 metric tons this year, the World Gold Council said. The country’s investment demand surged 70 percent in 2010 to an all-time high of 187 tons, said Albert Cheng, the Far East managing director at the World Gold Council. China’s “investment demand has picked up exponentially,” Cheng said yesterday in an interview in Montreal. “The financial crisis has triggered people to be cautious of anything they don’t understand,” boosting demand for bullion as an alternative asset. The council has estimated demand from China may double in 10 years. The forecast may be “too conservative,” Cheng said. “Investment demand has been a key driver and will remain a key driver, because there’s not many investment options” in China, Cheng said. “The price of gold has surged, and we haven’t seen demand weaken. Chinese people say, ‘If I don’t buy gold today, it will be more expensive tomorrow.’”