Terwijl traders wereldwijd hun papieren goudposities liquideren, waardoor de goudprijs vandaag onder druk staat, voeren de Chinezen ongeziene hoeveelheden fysiek goud in van het buitenland! De Chinese invoer van goud ui Hong Kong steeg van oktober tot november 2011 met 50%, maar jaar-op-jaar stond import van 85,7 ton goud gelijk aan een stijging van +4000%! Via FT:
Chinese gold imports from Hong Kong, a proxy for overseas buying, hit a fresh record high in October and accounted for more than one-quarter of global demand. Data from the Hong Kong government showed that China imported 85.7 tonnes of gold via Hong Kong in October, up 50 per cent from the previous month and up more than 40 times from October last year. It is the fourth consecutive month that China’s gold flows through Hong Kong have hit new highs. Tom Kendall, precious metals analyst at Credit Suisse in London, said: “It is a big but credible number as the price arbitrage between London and Shanghai was definitely favourable for Chinese imports during late September and throughout October.”