De balans van het eurosysteem steeg afgelopen week opnieuw door enerzijds  het aanhoudende opkoopprogramma van obligaties van de lidstaten, maar vooral ook door de revaluatie van de goudreserves! De ECB (her)waardeert zijn goudreserves op kwartaalbasis, dit in tegenstelling tot vele andere centrale banken in de wereld, waaronder de FED. Via MW:

The balance sheet of the Eurosystem, which comprises the Frankfurt-based ECB and the 17 euro-zone national central banks, grew by EUR2.39 billion, reaching EUR2.735 trillion, the ECB said Wednesday. By comparison, the balance sheet stood at EUR2.004 trillion a year earlier. The Eurosystem’s holdings of securities for monetary policy purposes increased by EUR0.8 billion to EUR273.9 billion, due to purchases settled under the ECB’s bond-buying and covered bond-buying programs as well as due to year-end adjustments. The value of the Eurosystem’s gold and gold receivables holdings increased by EUR3.6 billion to reflect quarterly revaluations as well as the sale of gold to the ECB by another euro-zone central bank, the ECB said.

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