Door de schuldencrisis schiet de vraag naar fysiek goud door het dak in Europa! Beleggers kochten jaar op jaar +135% procent meer goud, volgens de nieuwste cijfers van WGC. Via Miningweekly:

The European investment demand, which was up 135% year-on-year, was more than the combined investment demand from China, India and the US. WGC said the surge was driven mainly by concerns over the eurozone sovereign debt crisis. Overall investment demand rose 33% year-on-year to 468.1 t, which translated into record quarterly demand of $25.6-billion. The ‘Gold Demand Trends’ report indicated that the figure excluded exchange traded funds (ETFs), which accounted for demand of 77.6 t, which was 58% higher than the 49.1 t recorded in the corresponding period last year. Again, Europe accounted for the bulk of ETF demand. “The eurozone crisis is at its peak, and will continue to drive gold demand further into the start of 2012,” MD for investment Marcus Grubb told Mining Weekly Online. The crisis was causing investors to price in more factors, including the possible breakup of the 17-country eurozone.

Ondanks de forse stijging maakt goud nog altijd amper een fractie uit van de totale portefeuille van beleggers. Zoals te zien op onderstaande diagram zitten de pensioenfondsen vandaag amper in goud, maar hoofdzakelijk in staatsobligaties! >>> Het Grondstoffen Rapport