Het internationale spanningsveld rond Iran loopt weer op. De Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken waarschuwde zondag voor een explosie van de olieprijs tot boven 250 dollar per vat indien de aangekondigde sancties doorgevoerd zouden worden. Het betreft meer bepaald een exportban op Iraanse olie vanwege hun nucleaire programma en de oplopende spanningen.

TEHRAN, Dec 4 (Reuters) – Iran warned the West on Sunday any move to block its oil exports would more than double crude prices with devastating consequences on a fragile global economy. “As soon as such an issue is raised seriously the oil price would soar to above $250 a barrel,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said in a newspaper interview. The comments come as Iran strives to contain international reaction to the storming of the British embassy last week, a move which drew immediate condemnation from around the world and may galvanise support for tougher action against Tehran. Washington and EU countries were already discussing measures to restrict oil exports after the United Nations nuclear watchdog issued a report in November with what it said was evidence that Tehran had worked on designing an atom bomb.

De prijs van olie (crude) handelt ondertussen weer boven de psychologische grens van 100 dollar per vat… >>> Het Grondstoffen Rapport