Ladies and gents, she’s back! De beruchte WS analiste Meredith Whitney pakte uit met een opiniestuk in The Wall Street Journal. Ze waarschuwt voor de gevolgen indien de kleinere bedrijven nog langer zonder financiĆ«le zuurstof blijven zitten. Enkele korte stukken van Clusterstock:

If banks are not allowed to effectively price for risk, they will not take the risk. Right now we need banks, and particularly community banks, more than ever to step in and provide liquidity to small businesses. Interest-rate caps and interchange fees will more likely drive consumer credit out of the market and many community banks out of business.

Unless real focus is afforded to re-engaging small businesses in this country, we will have a tragic and dangerous unemployment level for an extended period of time. Small businesses fund themselves exactly the way consumers do, with credit cards and home equity lines.

Voor het volledige stuk – The Wall Street Journal