We vernamen enkele interessante uitspraken van de Russische minister van Financiën Alexei Kudrin. Hij merkte op aan enkele reporters dat de nationale forex en goud reserves in de eerste 5 maanden van 2011 waren geexplodeerd met 44% tot 516 miljard USD! De goudreserves steeg over de betreffende periode van 35,778 miljard USD naar 40,95 miljard USD, een stijging van 14,45%. Smart Money Europe blogt:

Speaking at a press conference on Saturday after a meeting of the CIS finance ministers, Kudrin said, “This proves that the Russian rouble is strong.” According to the minister, “Today the Russian rouble can be used in international settlements on the wish of economic entities.” “Today there are no restrictions for the rouble. The rouble is convertible currency,” he said. The Russian government is clearly stacking up on gold to make its national currency much stronger against the current international fiat money standard, like the US dollar or the euro.

Blijkbaar zijn de Russen druk in de weer om een soort van goud gedekt roebel te creëren. Verder vertelde Kudrin dat Rusland nog dit jaar Eurobonds zal lanceren in Russische roebels.

In his words, this became the largest emission of the local currency, which is not reserve. “This proves that an important step has been taken on the way to settlements in roubles,” Kudrin said. “The rouble will become the more stable currency if Russia curbs inflation within 3-4 percent within 5-6 years,” Kudrin said. “This will be a new quality of the Russian currency,” he added. “Then the Russian rouble will be trusted and settlements in roubles will be expanded,” he said. The minister recognised that till now the rouble has not corresponded to the standards to be met by reserve currencies.

Vandaar dat Russen weer feestjes bouwen…