Agrarische grondstoffen staan figuurlijk in vuur en vlam! Na de prijsexplosies van Koffie en COCOA, gaat de prijs van Tarwe momenteel ook door het dak. Volgens de de WSJ liggen droogtes in Europa en Rusland aan de basis:
CHICAGO—A drought across Europe and Russia has pushed wheat prices to 13-month highs. The realization that most harvests around the world are likely to be lower than initially expected has caught some traders off guard, throwing fuel on a rally that has seen futures prices rise almost 30% since late June. Soft red winter wheat for September delivery on Friday ended at $5.8725 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade, down 2.5% on the day but up 8.3% on the week. Wheat futures last week touched $5.985 in intraday trading, the highest since June 11, 2009.
Het plaatje voor tarwe ziet er als volgt uit: >>> Het Grondstoffen Rapport