Van de 91 Europese banken die deelnamen, zouden er 7 in faling gaan, waaronder 5 Spaanse spaarbanken, het Duitse Hypo Real Estate en de Griekse ATE Bank. Via CNBC:

Seven out of the 91 banks tested in the European Union’s stress tests failed, Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) said Friday. Failures in European bank stress tests were concentrated in Spain, with several savings banks failing according to data released by various national authorities across the European Union Friday. Only one government-owned bank in Germany failed the stress tests, while French top banks, Portuguese Italian, Finnish and Swedish top banks all passed. The German bank is nationalized Hypo Real Estate bank, and officials said because the bank’s special situation, it should have not been included in the tests. Greece’s ATEBANK also failed. The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) said the tests were tougher than the ones carried out in the US last year, because its adverse scenario is so severe that it is a once-in-20- years possibility, while the US one was considered a one-in-seven-years possibility.

De banken zijn getest op verschillende scenario’s, die u op onderstaande grafiek ziet via BusinessInsider. U mag zelf bepalen of dit realistische scenario’s zijn…