Ratingbureau S&P plaatst de Belgische overheidsschuld op ‘negative outlook’. Indien er geen Belgische regering is gevormd binnen 6 maanden, overweegt men een adviesverlaging op Belgische overheidsobligaties! Via Reuters:

“We could lower the sovereign rating on Belgium one notch if we conclude that the lack of consensus will result in the government not being able to stabilize its debt trajectory to move toward reforms,” the ratings agency said in a statement. “If Belgium fails to form a government soon, a downgrade could occur, potentially within six months.” The agency added that it had concerns about Belgium’s general fiscal outlook, and specifically its target of reducing its budget deficit to 4.1 percent of GDP next year.

De rente op 10-jarige Belgische staatsobligaties koerst vanmiddag weer boven 4%.