We zijn niet de enigen die hogere goudprijzen voorspellen. Naast specialisten zoals John Hathaway of James Turk, die goud verder zien oplopen in de komende weken/maanden tot boven 1.500 USD/ounce, heeft nu ook TD Securities zich genesteld in het kamp van de ‘goudstieren’. Hun jongste analyse over het gele edelmetaal voorziet een goudprijs stevig boven 1,600 USD/ounce in de tweede jaarhelft van 2011! Via Mineweb:

“Given gold’s safe-haven appeal, investors should continue to be attracted to precious metals well into 2011,” Melek suggested. “As testament to investor gold appetite, higher mine production expectations and recent investor physical gold ETF selling has done little to derail the market. COMEX positions remain quite tilted toward the longs and there is growing demand from the Chinese buyers.” “Inflation concerns, combined with the fact there is virtually no hedging being done by gold producers, makes us quite comfortable with the $1,465/oz forecast for 2011, with quarterly prices peaking at $1,550/oz in Q3, 2011,” he forecast. “Further supporting our view are US dollar concerns and continued central bank gold buying. Central banks became net buyers of gold for the first time in over two decades in 2010.” “Looking to the long term upside potential, the current $1,460/oz price is still far from historic real dollar high of $2,385/oz (adjusted for inflation, 2010 dollars) reached in January 1980,” said Melek. “TDS expects gold to trade materially above the $1,600/oz. at some time during the second half of 2011.”

Deze ochtend handelde goud opnieuw rond het niveau van 1.460 USD/ounce. >>> Het Goud & Zilver Rapport