Volgende op de indrukwekkende dollar-injectie door diverse centrale banken in Europese financiële systeem, reageerde Trichet op de aanhoudende negatieve berichten in een interview met de Franse krant Expansion. De topman verzekert dat de ECB momenteel ongelimiteerde liquiditeiten voorziet! Via CNBC:

The European Central Bank (ECB) is supplying unlimited liquidity at fixed interest rates over one week, one month and three month periods, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said in an interview with Expansion newspaper published on Tuesday. The situtation in Spain has got considerably better but defences must not be let down, Trichet told the Spanish newspaper in an interview. Spain must resolutely apply new structural reforms to achieve highest growth possible, he said. Greece must strictly enforce its austerity plan and meet all objectives, he said.