De Zwiterse zakenbank UBS heeft de kortetemijn koersdoelen voor zowel goud als zilver fors opgetrokken. Voor goud:

Less than three weeks since it last revised its price forecast, the bank said it now sees one-month gold at $1,950/oz, up from $1,725/oz previously, and three-month gold at $2,100/oz from $1,850/oz previously.

Voor zilver:

UBS upped its silver price forecasts, with one-month prices of $46/oz from $35/oz and three-month prices of $50/oz from $33/oz previously.

Via MarketWatch:

Silver is benefiting from gold’s gains, she noted, largely because “those who have missed out on the last few hundred dollar rally in the gold price perhaps believe that gold is near its short-term peak. And instead of playing gold from the short side, they prefer buying silver.”

Het ‘grote geld’ in Zwitserland verschuift z’n (goud)winsten door naar zilver. Tiens, dat klinkt ons bekend in de oren. >>> Het Goud & Zilver Rapport