Van de 18 Spaanse banken die aan de Europese stress test werden onderworpen, zijn er verschillende die niet geslaagd zijn. Dat blijkt uit de eerst berichten via Reuters:
(Reuters) – Several of Spain’s 18 savings banks, including some of those which have been involved in recent mergers, have failed to pass tests to see how they would cope with worsened economic conditions, newspaper El Pais reported on Friday citing financial sources. The tests on 91 European lenders use scenarios Including declines in the value of sovereign debt they hold. Separately, Manfred Weber, the head of the Association of German Banks, told local radio that he was confident that German banks “all in all” would perform well at the tests. The Bank of Spain is due to publish the results of so-called stress tests later on Friday, and similar results will be published across Europe. The tests had been expected to show that some of the unlisted savings banks would need a capital injection under certain scenarios. The Spanish newspaper said a small group of savings banks would need more capital if economic conditions were to worsen sharply and there were sovereign debt crises in several countries. Amongst these, some have already received funds from the Spanish State’s Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB), it said, without providing further details. It did not name the banks.
Volgens de Spaanse krant El Pais zouden 6 Spaanse spaarbanken (cajas) niet geslaagd zijn in de Europese Stress Test, waardoor ze nood hebben aan vers kapitaal. In een rondvraag aan investeerders door Goldman Sachs, blijkt dat zo’n 10 banken niet zouden slagen in de Europese Stress Test. In totaal worden 91 Europese banken onderworpen aan de Europese Stress Test.