De Duitse krant Handelsblatt gaat in het offensief tegen de anti-Griekenland gevoel dat tegenwoordig leeft bij z’n landgenoten. Het trommelde 19 prominente Duitsers op die zich openlijk uitspraken in hun steun aan Griekenland door Griekse obligaties te kopen, waarvan u er hier beneden 15 op de foto ziet. Het betreft onder meer Jürgen Grossman (topman bij RWE), Wolfgang Kirsch (CEO DZ Bank), Hans Eichel (voormalig minister van financiën), naast de 16 andere bekende Duitse inwoners. Enkele van hun redenen zijn als volgt:

  • I’m buying Greece bonds because Germany has an over-riding interest in a stable European Union.
  • I’m buying Greek bonds because I’m a confident European…
  • We shouldn’t let [the European idea] die! Sure the Greeks have cheated [or fudged, depending on the translation] . . .
  • I think it’s good to side with Greece. But I can’t endorse the buying of Greek debt in good faith. Instead I suggest taking a vacation in Greece. Since you know then that you’ll get something for your money.
  • I bought Greek government bonds because, despite the risk, it is now our duty as good Europeans to support our neighbors. In 1945 Germany and Europe were in ruins. Thanks to the help of the Marshall Plan, for example, Germany became a strong economy again . . .
  • Whoever now wants to write off Greece, is encouraging the gamblers in the global financial casino. Unbridled financial capitalism has become a security risk for businesses, employees and investors. Capitalism must not eat its children.
  • . . .  I think this is an investment that will pay off.
  • 10 years ago I asked my friend, Gabor Steingart, for an investment tip. He recommended AOL stocks . . .  He said they were now a “family stock” — a little bit boring, but safe. I believe no company in the world has ever lost value as fast as AOL, so I’ve had my experience with capital cuts. It can’t be worse this time: €1,000 for Greece!

“Wir kaufen griechische Staatsanleihen!”