U vraagt zich af waarom de prijs van goud er zo sterk bij ligt terwijl iedereen negatief wordt over het gele edelmetaal? Het antwoord ligt voor de hand: China! De Chinezen kopen alle dips, zoveel mag duidelijk zijn nadat we de Chinese invoer van goud uit Hong Kong weer zagen aantrekken in februari tot 40 ton, oftewel 13x zoveel als een jaar geleden. Via Reuters:

Mainland China bought 39,668 kilograms (39.668 metric tons), up from 32,948 kilograms in January, according to export data from the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong government. Demand has picked up again after the Lunar New Year and demand has climbed in China as rising incomes and concerns about inflation lead to store of value buying. Consumer demand for gold beat India for the first time in almost three years in the fourth quarter and China may replace India as the biggest buyer annually this year. The massive gold purchases may signal the People’s Bank of China is continuing to secretly accumulate gold reserves. Reuters report that there are suspicions that the number could include purchases from the public sector, as the market was largely quiet during a post-Lunar New Year holiday slump in February. “On the public level, China’s central bank will continue to accumulate gold, which is easier than liberalising their capital account and currency,” said Friesen of SocGen, adding that building gold reserves would help China’s push to turn the renminbi into a global currency. Accommodative monetary policy will remain an incentive for private investors to buy into gold, he added.

Laat u dus niets wijs maken door de critici, de stierenmarkt in goud is krachtiger dan ooit!

>>> Profiteer HIER van de stierenmarkt in GOUD